
'But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint' ~ (Isaiah 40:31)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A CONTRARIAN is a person with a preference for taking a position opposed to that of the majority view. Contrarian styles of argument have historically been associated with radicalism and DISSENT.
DISSENT is a sentiment or philosophy of non-agreement or opposition to a prevailing idea. The prevailing 'ideas' I am opposed to are: limiting God and only seeing with the 'worlds eyes'.

To be a contrarian, is not for the faint hearted. When our vision is clear, we can boldly walk forward with a contrarian mindset.

Over the years I've allways gravitated towards people that were a bit 'out there'..a bit rebellious, people who didn't conform completely to the status quo, people who thought outside the box...and mostly people/beliveres who loved unconditionally. I read a lot of books as a young woman about famous Christians, who became famous because of their steadfast faith, courage and boldness in their walk. They experienced miracles and acheived great things in God, because they belived more strongly in the power of the spiritual realm than that of the physical.

I had a conversation with a friend the other day, someone fairly new to the Christian faith. I shared a small miracle that I had exerienced and the wonder that it produced in me. His response was, that there was probably a scientific explanation...hmmm..(possibly there was). But I know if I had gone through my life rationalising every miracle I experienced, my faith would be less. A childlike faith is a gift that I don't ever want to lose.

Jesus wants our spiritual vision to be so clear, that we become spiriual contrarians. That even if all those around us, 'don't see', lose hope, have no vision, we must press on, no matter how high the cost, even when others think we're foolish.

A spiritual contrarian will continue to persevere. If the Apostle Paul had not had this certainty of Jesus power and authority, I doubt he could have endured being beaten, whipped, stoned, ship wrecked and imprisoned He was in danger everywhere, on sea, on land and even from his own countrymen (2 Corinthians 11:26). How could he have continued to labour and toil, hunger and thirst, go without sleep?

Lord open our eyes through faith, so that we can know the fullness of your power and love. Help us to never give up, even though this world is full of doubting sketptics. Help those of us who are called, to walk boldy in our calling, even when we don't always feel your prescence at our side and feel we walk alone. Help us to expect miracles and claim them in your name, knowing your mighty power holds this very world in balance.

Our natural pessismism needs to be converted into firce spiritual optimism.

Thankyou for reading - FOTW

Friday, October 1, 2010

In Our Own Image

Early one morning, or late one night...the thought 'Our Own Image' - (and making God in it) came into my mind.

I've pondered this concept many times over the years, and just what the ramifications of it are.
To me it means this - 'To make assumptions about God based on my world view, based on my likes & dislikes and not really taking into consideration or even considering, how God fits into all that'.
Is this naiive, arrogant, or is it actually normal? Are most people like this?
Do most of us do this?...those of us who belive in GOD I mean.
Because whether we are aware of it or not, we are all greatly influened in our assumptions about God, because of our culture.
And for this reason, thats why I like travelling. By travelling - we are removed from 'our world' and get to see a bigger picture,our lens widens.
Its not always obvious initially, but overtime, we become aware that, we are who we are, we think what we think, and view life, our world, our God, through a lens.
This lens is formed by how we are raised, by our cultural environment...'our country'. We all do this.
If you don't travel, or interact with people from other cultures, we may not ever be 'awakened' to this realisation. Our thought processes are formed in a large way, by our surroundings.
So to ever move on from the 'simple' place - this 'In my own image' place..what is to be done?
Well what I belive needs to take place, is to acknowledge and accept, that God is Holy OTHER. While he is literally in my world, when it comes to the human mind, GOD is outside of 'culture' and outside of my world view. If all this sounds confusing, its not.
It's just humbling, to be reminded of this truth, but also very liberating. It means we can remove ourselves from 'old assumptions'..and 'discover' that God may not be at all what we thought.
For example:

The 'letters' written in the New Testament are 'cultural, but also 'outside of time' (timeless). They are 'cultural', in that we need to take into account that they were primarily written to a group of people during a period in history, within a cultural backgorund and also a religous framework, to adress difficulties at 'that' time.
They are outside of time, because they continue to speak into our life situations that may be similar.
But the Christians in that 'time' had a perception of God based on thier world view, culture, experiences etc etc. While the word of God is inspired, the people themselves were still like us, when it came to 'perceiving' GOD. Think about in Acts, how difficult it was for Peter to accept that God could possibly make all foods clean now? - to him that was a huge big deal.
What about when the Gentiles became included as children of God, and also welcomed into the kingdom. That was so hard for many of the Jews to comprehend, and why? It's because they had only understood for GOD to look like & be like the picture they had formed in their mind & through their experiences and traditions.

I am saying all this to simply 'open our own eyes' to possible 'preconceived' ideas, images, we may have formed of God.
I know in the old Testament, 'idols' were a thing that greatly offended God and why
was God so upset by this?
I think its because it limits God, makes God small and narrow. It puts parameters around 'LOVE' and its capacity. It puts parameters around a whole range of things..It probably permits, includes etc things which make God 'less'..if that makes sense.It makes God fit into what we feel 'safe' with.
So how do I escape from ths way of 'being', this way of treating GOD, these assumptions, or permisssions..I have developed in my walk with God. How do I allow God to become 'visible' to me? so I can have a clearer image.
I think it begins by remembering who God is in comparison to who I am. Thinking about the core nature of God....thinking about the purpose of GOD....the power of GOD etc.
To consciously 'hold' these things in my mind and heart and look through this new LENS, when I take into condsideration, all that I do, all that I see, hear and say etc and to not be quick to assume, judge or condemn.

I have a picture im my mind of scales. On one side is GOD..and as far as God is concerned the greatest thing in all of his teachings, the greatest thing in the world is LOVE.
So evry thought, every action must pass through this LOVE filter.
On the other side of the scale is 'life', the life I live, the horrors in the world, the beauty in the world, disasters, wars etc etc ..I feel myself go very still inside, as I ponder this..everything becomes very quiet..almost a holy silence...a hush. Because it makes me feel so small..but also 'understood' in my 'smallness, in my ignorance..because how could I possible know any different.
I think remembering the scales, remmbering the God lens..the God is love filter, I will be less inclined to 'make God in my image in future'...and more inclined to say nothing..

Ecclesiastes 5:2
'Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few'